
Booth Number:N2/N2E06

Address: 21 Intersection, 6th Street, Hangzhou Economic and Technological Development Area, Hangzhou.

Website: http://www.hzliangdong.com

company profile

Hangzhou Liangdong, specializing in design and production of various heaters, heating tubes, heating rods, complete set of heating processing equipment and its automation control equipment, has over 30 years experience of manufacturing heaters, heating elements and heating equipment. The predecessor of the company is the state-owned General Plant of Electrical Heating and Electrics, which was involved in multiple national projects. The company has a professional research team consisting of postgraduate students and doctoral students with the related experimental simulation capability related to electrical heating, so it can effectively solve various electrical heater related problems.

Main Products

  • Auxiliary Equipment of Packaging

Product Information

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